OLIVER TWIST | Short Answers (Chapter-8)



1)    Where was Oliver back in after the failure of the robbery and what did he see there?

Ans: After the failure of the robbery, Oliver, who was shot by the two servants of the Chertsey house, was now unconscious and cold. He was also profusely bleeding. The alarms were raised and dogs were after Bill and Toby. Since it was difficult to carry Oliver on his back, Bill left Oliver in a ditch.

     After regaining his senses, Oliver got slowly to his feet and staggered away. He kept walking until he reached the road. He looked around and saw a house. It was the same house where they had attempted to commit the robbery the previous night. Since it was raining and there was no other place Oliver could go due to his worse physical condition, he tottered across the lawn, came near the house, knocked the door and fell on the ground unconscious.

2)    Who said that the robbery had failed and what had happened to Oliver

Ans: Toby Crackit narrated the entire incident of the failure of the robbery to Fagin.



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