OLIVER TWIST | Short Answers (Chapter-9)



1)    What was Oliver’s condition?

Ans: The condition of Oliver was that he was hastily abandoned in the ditch by the desperate Sikes, and hidden only by a ragged cloak, laid as if dead for a long time. Suddenly, the air grew colder as day came a dense cloud of smoke appeared and rain fell and soaked the boy, who was beyond feeling it. Suddenly, he cried out with a pain. Oliver’s left arm was useless, the shawl round it soaked in blood. He was so weak we could hardly sit up. Trembling from cold and exhausted he tried to rise, only to fall back unconscious again. Once more he woke. Something warned him that if he laid there he would surely die. Oliver got slowly to his feet and staggered away. He kept walking until he reached the road. He looked around and saw a house. It was the same house where they had attempted to commit the robbery the previous night. Since it was raining and there was no other place Oliver could go due to his worse physical condition, he tottered across the lawn, came near the house, knowcked the door and fell on the ground unconscious.

2)    What did he do to save his own life?

Ans: Refer to Answer No. 1 from Chapter 8

What did the family members of the house do to Oliver?

Ans: The family members of the house treated Oliver gently. They had carried him upstairs into the bed. They had also called for the doctor, named Dr. Losberne, who treated him well. In the house, Oliver received utmost love and care.

3)    What did Rose plead to Mrs. Maylie?

Ans: Rose pleaded not to take Oliver to prison as he was too young. Moreover, he must have never known a mother’s love or the comfort of a home.

4)    What is the name of the doctor?

Ans: The name of the doctor was Doctor Losberne.

5)    What was Oliver’s condition after many weeks?

Ans: Oliver laid in bed for many weeks. He was very ill with fever, in addition to the pain of his broken arm. But at last he began slowly to get better and to be able to express a little love and gratitude he felt towards those who cared for him.

6)    Where did Oliver go with the doctor in Mrs. Maylie’s carriage?

Ans: Oliver set out with the doctor in Mrs. Maylie’s carriage to Chertsey Bridge to meet Mr. Brownlow.

7)    What happened when the doctor knocked at the door of a ruined house which Oliver pointed?

Ans: The doctor knocked at the door of a ruined house which Oliver pointed at the river back. The doctor stopped the coach and knocked at the door, which was suddenly opened by a little ugly hump-backed man. The doctor could get no sense out of him. The man swore that he had lived alone for twenty-five years and had never heard of Bill Sikes, nor could the doctor see any of the things which Oliver had described in the house.



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