Q. Should I write the answers as per the serial order?

Ans: It is not compulsory to write the answers serially. You can attempt to any questions according to your comfort. But always put the question numbers and sub-numbers correctly. However, it is advisable that you maintain the question numbers in a systematic and ascending order as far as possible.

Q. Will my marks be deducted if I exceed the given word limit?

Ans: No. Even if you write few extra words in your answers your marks won’t be deducted provided your answer is correct. But don’t go for too long answers. For e.g., if your question instruction says- “Write in 40-50 words”, you should never write your answer in 100 words. That will be too much. You can maximum use 10-15 words extra.

Q. Which colour pen should I use?

Ans: You can use either a Blue or Black pen. It is advisable to use a Ball Point pen instead of a Gel Pen. The ink of a Gel pen may spoil your copy. Moreover, many Gel pens are not water- resistant.

Q. Can I highlight important lines in my answer?

Ans: That is always a great thing to do. You can underline any important line or quote with pencil. But don’t go on to underline any and every line.

Q. Suppose I don’t know the answer of a question, can I leave it

for later?

Ans: Of course. In case you are confused with any answer, don’t waste your time in thinking over it. Just skip to the next questions. You can put a cross mark on that question in your question paper and move on to the next question. Later, when you have finished writing the other answers you can come back to the left out question and write down the answer. But make sure you put a cross mark or just encircle that number with a pencil in your question paper.

Q. Can I write answers on my question paper?

Ans: Never do that. You are liable to be expelled if you make that mistake. Don’t write anything on the question paper. Many students do the mistake of ticking/writing the answers for choose the correct options or fill in the blanks on the question paper. This is not at all allowed.

Q. What if my writing manner is not clean and tidy?

Ans: You have to make sure that you write in a very clean and tidy manner or else the examiner (who will be checking your answer scripts) will not understand your handwriting and deduct marks.

Q. Can I use correction fluid if I write any incorrect word or


Ans: No. Never use correction fluid. If you make mistake in writing any word, for example, a spelling error, you need not worry because that’s normal. In such case, just strike off that answer with a single pencil stroke and put a bracket to that incorrect word or sentence. Look at the example below:


Oliver Twist was born in (America) a certain English town.

Q. When there is an instruction like write any two’ out of three

questions - if I write all the three answers what will happen? Ans: The first thing is that you will simply waste your time if you don’t follow the instructions properly. In case you write all the

answers then only your first two answers will be checked, the

third one will be left unchecked.

Always follow the instructions given in your questions. This includes instructions like ‘ATTEMPT/WRITE ANY ONE ANSWER & WORD LIMIT.

Q. What things should I carry in the exam hall?

Ans: Carry the following things in exam:

1.   Two Pens with extra refills

2.   Pencil

3.   Eraser / Rubber

4.   Ruler / Scale

5.   Pocket Sanitizer (If allowed)

6.   Water Bottle (If allowed)



v  Never sit in any room and bench you wish to.

v  Never whisper anything to the person behind or by your side.

v  Never ask for anything from any other student.

v  Never look behind.

v   Never keep your question paper or extra answer script in such a manner so that the student behind you can see your answers. When you finish the paper in which you have written your answer, just turn the paper over.

v Never make mistakes in writing your Roll No., Registration Number, Subject and Signature on the front page of your answer script.

v  Never make mistake when you sign on the Attendance sheet.

v   Never carry any paper outside which is provided in the exam hall. Even if you have written nothing on the answer script, still you are required to submit the blank answer paper too. You can only carry the question paper outside.

v  In case of any doubt, ask the Invigilator. Don’t ask anyone else.

v  Don’t carry mobile phones inside the exam hall.

v   If you are coming from distant places and need to contact your parents to pick you up after exams, you can keep the mobile phone inside your bag outside but either in silent mode or just switch it off. But before doing that take proper permission from the Officer in Charge of exams present in the exam centre itself.

v   Don’t carry any extra paper or chits in your pockets inside the examination hall.

v  Don’t carry eatables inside the exam hall.


Ø    On the  first day  of your exam, you must reach your Exam Centre 30-40 minutes earlier.

Ø  From  the  next  exams,  you  can           reach        your      Exam           Centre      20 minutes earlier or even before also.

Ø  Check your Roll No. in the Notice Board outside. There you

will find your Room number where you are supposed to sit.

Ø  On the door of your room you can check for your Roll number and bench allotted to you.

Ø  Sit on your allotted bench and do your revisions.

Ø  After the warning bell goes, keep your bags and books outside.

Ø    The Invigilator will enter the exam hall 15 minutes earlier at 9:45 am. At 9:50 am, he will supply you with the question paper first for you to read. Go through the question paper thoroughly.

Ø    After you get your answer scripts, fill up all the details carefully. For e.g., Roll no., Registration Number, Subject etc.

Ø  Don’t be in a hurry in filling these details.

Ø  If you need an extra answer sheet then fill up the details there too.

Ø  Don’t fill in any detail which is not meant for you.

Ø  Draw margins properly (if needed). Do it only with a pencil.

Ø  Use only pen to write your answers.

Ø  Keep your handwriting legible and your overall writing neat

and tidy.


                                 Keep yourself composed and calm. Don’t panic.

                                 Write fast but do not hasten.

                                 Keep sufficient time in hand so that you can check your answers after you have finished writing everything. You should have at least 15 mins time for final checking.

                                 Tally the question numbers with your answers to check whether you have put all the question numbers correctly against each of your answers.

                                 If you have taken extra exam sheet then tie it properly with the thread given to you. Don’t tie it loose or else it may get misplaced.

                                 Check all your answers properly once again before final









Keep in Mind! This Board Exam is a One-Time

Chance for Students. Don’t lose this chance.


Keep faith in yourself. If you have worked hard and sincerely, you will definitely get the desired results. And always say, “I can & I will”































































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