POWDER & ARMS (Textbook Answers)



Textual Questions:

1.  Why has Mr. Trelawney hired the captain, the ship and the crew?

Ans:  Mr.  Trelawney  has  hired  Captain  Smollett,  the  ship,  Hispaniola  and  the  crew because he was planning for a treasure hunt to an unknown island. It was quite obvious that in order to accomplish this huge task, he needed more men and experienced officers who could guide them on their journey and help overcome predicaments.

2.  Why is the Captain displeased?

Ans: Captain Smollett, right from his appearance in the story, seemed to be upset and angry over too many things. When asked by Squire Trelawney about the worthiness of the ship and the sail, the captain candidly replied that he did not like the cruise, the men and even his officer who was none other than the Squire himself. An argument was about to break out between the captain and Trelawney when Dr. Livesey cut in and explained both of them that an argument would only produce ill feeling amongst one another. He then asked the captain to expound them the reason for his dislike for the cruise. The captain replied that despite the fact that he was an officer it was unfair to have kept him in dark about a treasure when the crew knew about the secret of it. He also raised his objection and counted the risks and dangers involved in such kind of an expedition. He further stated his displeasure with the crewmen and demanded to choose his men of his own choice. The captain finally ended with his dissatisfaction over Mr. Arrow, who is too liberal with the crewmen. According to the captain, an officer must keep an honourable distance from those below his rank and position.

3.    What suggestions does the captain make to Mr. Trelawney?

Ans: Captain Smollett put forth the following suggestions to Mr. Trelawney.

Firstly, the gun powder and the arms and ammunitions should be placed under his cabin. Secondly, few berths should be made adjacent to his cabin where four of Trelawney’s men including the Squire himself would be allotted the berths. Thirdly, the map of the island on which there is a cross mark indicating the location of the treasure should be strictly kept secret, even from himself and Mr. Arrow as he feared a mutiny.

4.    What would the captain and Mr Trelawney have done if Dr Livesey had not been there to mediate?

Ans: At the outset of the story it was quite clear from the words of the narrator, Jim Hawkins that there were serious differences between Captain Smollett and Mr Trelawney, though they seemed to be friendly. Their first conversation itself started with a bit of an argument where the captain asserted candidly that he was not satisfied with several things on the ship. To this Mr Trelawney backchatted with the enquiry if he did not like the ship too and even his employer, who was Trelawney himself . As the argument was getting heated, Dr. Livesey feared that it might take an ugly turn and consequently break into a physical fight. So, he immediately jumped in and settled the verbal fight between the two.

Thus, it was clear that If Dr Livesey would not have been there and acted as a mediator, a big fight would have surely taken place between the captain and Mr Trelawney. This is quite evident from the scene where Mr Trelawney directly warned the captain that if Dr Livesey would not have been there he would have taught the captain a good lesson.

5.    Read what the captain says to the narrator, Jim Hawkins. What does the captain think about the narrator?

Ans: When Long John Silver complains that they will be late in their journey due to the movements made on the ship, the captain replies from behind that the crew was following his orders. He then tells Long John to go and prepare supper. Suddenly, the captain observes Jim Hawkins examining the swivel and immediately shouts at him and orders him to go and help the cook. The  captain considers Jim as a  “ships boy” or a mere cabin boy whose job was to wait on the officers and passengers of a ship, especially running errands for the captain.

           Neither did I, to be sure, he was so loose a talker, yet in the case I believe he was really right.

a.     Who thinks this?

b.     Who is so loose a talker?

c.     What has been talked about that should not have been talked about?

d.     What does the captain fear will happen?


A.  Jim Hawkins thinks of the extract.

B.  Jim Hawkins is the loose talker here.

C.  The thing that has been much talked about was the treasure expedition they were undertaking. According to the captain, it was the most confidential matter and should have been kept a secret.

D.  The captain feared that there was a risk of life in such kind of a journey. Moreover, if the crew came to know about the treasure expedition there could be any mishaps, or precisely a mutiny.

2.  .did ever you hear the fable of the mountain and the mouse?

a. Who says these words and to whom?

Ans: These words were spoken by Dr. Livesey to Captain Smollett.

b. what do the lines that follow this question tell you about what the fables mortal might be ?

Ans: Dr. Livesey mentioned the fable because when he saw Captain Smollett he thought that the Captain had more to say than merely making suggestions and complaints. Moreover, the Captain had the habit of exaggerating small things.

c. The Captain was not satisfied with the cruise, the crew and the officers. So, he intended to get himself discharged.

3.  “Even he, perhaps, had been doubtful….opinion”

a) Who is this about?

Ans: This is about arrangements of the berths and the hammock.

b) What is implied by we had not long the benefit of his opinion?

Ans: It implied that they could not know whether he liked the new arrangement.

No. c not needed


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