CLASS- X                              MARKS: 60                           TIME: 1½ HOURS

1.      Answer any one the following questions in about 100 words:                    5

(a)    Why did the postmaster leave the village? What thoughts held him back? Why did Ratan wander near the post-office even after the postmaster had left it forever?

(b)   What is meant by “impartial and incorruptible chance? Why did the semi-barbaric king imprison the young courtier? What special preparations were made for his trial? How did the Princess obtain the secret of the doors?

(c)    Why did Rama Rao suddenly find himself in the streets one day? Why did he decide to end his life? How was he finally saved from his misery?

2.      Answer any three questions in about 30-40 words:                                   2 × 3 = 6

(a)    Describe the appearance of the strange man who came to the circus manager?

(b)   What role did Ratan play to help the postmaster recover from his illness?

(c)    What did one of the passengers say about “parental love”?

(d)   What brought about the collapse of the Gramophone Company?

3.      State whether the following statements are True or False:                  1 × 4 = 4

(a)    The King wanted his daughter to marry the courtier.

(b)   Rama Rao’s wife started looking for a job after the company collapsed.

(c)    Ratan happily accepted the money which the postmaster gave her before leaving Ulapur.

(d)   The Circus manager offered the man a special thirty pounds a week.

4.      Answer any one the following questions in about 80 words:                                             5

(a)    Which unusual way did the tennis player take to reach the bay? Write the swimmer’s encounter with the sea and the consequence thereafter?

(b)   What are the two aspects of Madurai River? How is Ramanujan different from old and new poets? How is the poet ironic about the new poets?

(c)    Why does the man with the hoe lean and graze on the ground? What is the present condition and shape of the man with the hoe? What does the poet wish the rulers of the world to do for this man?

5.      Fill in the blanks with the correct options given in the brackets:          ½ × 4 = 2

(a)    If you can trust yourself when all men                    you. (doubt / suspect)

(b)   A lovelier flower on                  was never sown. (meadow / earth)

(c)    The                 of ages in his face. (blankness / emptiness)

(d)   The river has enough water to be........................ (poetic / romantic)

6.      Explain with reference to the context  (any two):                            5 × 2 = 10

(a)    “And lose and start again at your beginnings / And never breathe a word about your loss.”

(b)   It’s the first time I have done it and I did not like it.

(c)    Life, an adventure perilous and gay / And Death a long and vivid holiday.

(d)   He saw no need to explain to the girl why the idea was impossible.

7.      Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words:                  5

(a)    Describe the effect of the juice of ‘love-in-idleness’ on the characters of the play.

(b)   What mistake does Puck make in applying the ‘love-juice’? What is the consequence of his mistake? How is the mistake rectified and by whom?

(c)    Why do the workmen decide to write a ‘prologue’ for the play?

8.      Answer any two of the following in 2-3 sentences:                            2 × 2 = 4

(a)    What does Puck tell the audience at the end of the play?

(b)   What did Theseus tell Hermia after she refused to marry Demetrius?

(c)    Who is the changeling boy? Why does Oberon ask Titania to give the boy to him?

9.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words from  the brackets:             1 × 3 = 3

(a)    Duke Theseus of Athens is talking to Hippolyta, Queen of the....................... (Fairies /


(b)   Helena says that Hermia’s                   is responsible. (beauty / power)

(c)    Flute has to play the part of                      , a woman. (Pyramus / Thisbe)

10.  Amplify any one of the following:                                                               6

(a)    It is never too late to mend

(b)   Make hay while the sun shines

(c)    Nothing venture nothing gain

11.  Summarize the given passage:                                                                     5


This century is the age of Science. We cannot imagine our lives without Science. Science has become a part and parcel of our lives. Science has become a symbol of progress. The progress is in the field of medicine, education, industry, etc., and we enjoy the comforts of science in all fields. Science has developed an effective transport and communication system. Buses, cars, trains, planes have made transportation easy and comfortable, safe and  fast.   Man   has   even   landed   on   the   moon   with   the   help   of   technology.   In the field of medicine, science has worked wonders. Almost all kinds of diseases are entirely cured by modern drugs and medicines. Medicine has reduced pain and suffering. Electricity is another important scientific invention. the comforts of our life like electric lamps, refrigerators, fans, grinders, washing machines, etc. are all run by electricity. Scientific methods of cultivation have solved the flood problem. The pests destroying the crops are killed immediately by pesticides. Poultry and sericulture are also improved. Thus science is helpful in all walks of life and makes our life comfortable and happy.


12.  Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with a single word. Make changes where necessary:                                          1 × 5 = 5

(a)    My friend has left his own country to settle elsewhere.

(b)   He is fit to be elected for the post of President.

(c)    Most of the children can speak two languages.

(d)   He gave up his job by giving formal notice.

(e)    The Army Major’s mother received his bravery award after his death.





  1. Sir what about the ans?? Here r only the questions


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