SUBJECT: ENGLISH                     MARKS: 60                           TIME: 2 HOURS

SECTION – A (Reading)

1.      Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate options given:                      5

Alfred Hitchcock was a man with vivid imagination, strong creative skills and a passion for life. With his unique style and God-gifted wit he produced and directed some of the most thrilling films that had the audience almost swooning with fright and falling off their seats with laughter. Alfred Hitchcock was greatly influenced by American films and magazines. At the age of 20, he took up a job at the office of Paramount Studio, London. Using imagination, talent and dedication, he made each of his endeavours a success. He took great pleasure in working in the studio and often worked all seven days a week. He moved to the USA in 1939 and got his American citizenship in 1955. Here, he produced many more films and hosted a weekly television show. No matter from where his ideas came, whether a magazine article, a mystery novel or incident, his films had the typical “Hitchcock touch”-where the agony of suspense was relieved by interludes of laughter! Hitchcock was knighted in 1980.

(a)    What qualities helped Hitchcock achieve success?
(i) his imagination, creativity and passion for life
(ii) his hard work, his imagination and his sense of humour
(iii) his creativity, his passion for life and his sense of humour
(iv) his imagination, his talent and his dedication

(b)   What is Alfred Hitchcock famous as?
(i) writer (ii) film producer (ii) Television actor (iv) film actor

(c)    What did the typical Hitchcock-style of film-making include?
(i) fear and passion      (ii) fear and humour    (iii) suspense and humour (iv) fear and suspense

(d)   What did Alfred Hitchcock do in United States?
(i) He produced films and read magazines       (ii) He produced films and television serials
(iii) He read magazines and saw films                         (iv) He produced films and hosted a television show

(e)    What does the word ‘swooning’ mean?
(i) fainting                    (ii) falling                    (iii) hiding                    (iv) becoming conscious

SECTION – B (Writing and Grammar)

2.      The Government of India has spent crores of rupees to clean Ganga River under the ‘Clean Ganga Project’ with no fruitful results. It is a matter of concern for everyone. Write a letter to the editor of national daily drawing attention to this problem. You are Apoorv / Apoorva residing at 67, Anant Vihar, Kanpur.                                                                                                                            5

3.      Complete the story in about 120-150 words with the help of the following hint. Give a suitable title to it.                                                                                                                                          5

It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning…


4.      Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the options below:                  ½ × 6 = 3

Though the metro (a) ______ the public transport system in the city but poor connectivity to the metro stations (b) _______ back the people. The residents (c) _______ local transport to reach the station. If it (d)______ the more people (e)______ it to travel. If (f)_____ even in NCR region also very soon.

(a)    (i) have changed    (ii) had changed                       (iii) has changed          (iv) was changed

(b)   (i) holds                 (ii) was held                 (iii) were held              (iv) is hold

(c)    (i) needed              (ii) need                       (iii) were needed          (iv) are needed

(d)   (i) is improved       (ii) was improved         (iii) improves               (iv) improving

(e)    (i) shall use                        (ii) use                         (iii) are using                (iv) will use

(f)    (i) is reaching         (ii) was reaching          (iii) are reaching           (iv) were reaching

5.      Construct suitable sentences with the following idioms (Any Two):                             1 × 2 = 2

i)                    Blue blood                   ii) A dead letter                        iii) A fabian policy

6.      Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:                                                                     ½ × 4 = 2

i)                    I assured him ______ my help.

ii)                  Tagore was endowed _______ the talent of poetry.

iii)                The horse threw the man ______ his back.

iv)                The rich tyrannize _______ the poor.

7.      Rewrite the following as directed (Any Three):                                                                        1 × 3 = 3

i)                    Sit down, please. (Begin – ‘You are requested’)

ii)                  The little girl said, “How wonderful this dress is!” (Begin – ‘The little girl exclaimed in wonder’…)

iii)                Did he lend you any money? (End with – ‘…by him?)

iv)                The teacher advised the students not to speak ill of others. (Begin – ‘The Teacher told…’)



8.      Read the following extracts and answer the question that follow (Any three):             3 × 3 = 9

(a)    “If you only cleared the house, you’d be quite happy, wouldn’t you?’

(i)                 Who is the speaker and to whom is the line spoken?

(ii)               Why did the speaker mention about clearing the house?

(iii)             How much was the amount asked for and how did they get the money?



(b)   “… and now I don’t know when I can give you a chance like that again! I’m furious – I’ll never speak to him again!”

(i)                 Who is the speaker?

(ii)               What is the “chance” that the speaker is talking of?

(iii)             Why is the speaker angry and on whom?

(c)    And still they gaze’d, and still the wonder grew,

That one small head could carry all he knew.

(i)                 Who gazed with wonder?

(ii)               Whose “small head” is referred to here?

(iii)             What did this small head “carry”?

(d)   I am too long away from water.

I have a need of water near.

(i)                 Where is the speaker at present?

(ii)               Why does the speaker long to go to water?

(iii)             When was the poet happy?

9.      Choose the correct answer:                                                                                         1 × 4 = 4

(a)    Captain Smollett said – “I don’t call that fair”. What was unfair?

(i)                 Everyone in the ship knew about the treasure voyage

(ii)               The Squire did not pay him any money

(iii)             Dr. Livesey rebuked the Captain

(b)   Why couldn’t the Darby’s attend to Mrs. Pringle’s dinner?

(i)                 Because of the blizzard outside

(ii)               Because they had to go to Boston

(iii)             Because their baby was suffering from Chicken Pox.

(c)    How could the students predict about the “day’s disasters”?

(i)                 From the facial expression of the village schoolmaster

(ii)               From the stick that the village schoolmaster carried

(iii)             From the rebukes by the village schoolmaster before the class started

(d)   ‘All day long on the coast of ________’. (Supply the missing word)

(i)                 Mexico

(ii)               Maine

(iii)             Hebrides


10.  Answer the following questions in 30-40 words (Any Three):                                      2 × 3 = 6

(a)    Why does Captain Smollett warn that he would resign?

(b)   Why did Friar Lawrence conduct the marriage between Romeo and Juliet?

(c)    What language skills did the schoolmaster have?

(d)   In what way is the Nightingale’s song ‘welcome’ and the cuckoo’s song ‘thrilling’?

11.  Answer the following questions in 80-100 words (Any Two):                                       5 × 2 = 10

(a)    What does the convict tell Pip about his companion and why does he do this?

(b)   Why is Mrs. Pringle so upset when she learns Mr. Farnsworth will be unable to attend the dinner?

(c)    Why did Juliet seek advice from Friar Lawrence? How did the Friar’s plan go wrong?

(d)   Where have the India soldiers fallen and been buried? What fitting memorial will be acceptable for the fallen soldiers?


12.  Read the extract and answer the following questions (Any One)                                             6 × 1 = 6

(a)    “I’m past help. Just leave me, for I am very frightened at what I have done.”

(i)                 Who is the speaker and to whom are these words spoken?                                    1

(ii)               What had the speaker done for which she was “frightened”?                                 1

(iii)             Describe the consequences that the speaker had to face for her doing.                   4

(b)   “Don’t you dare say anything about her to me!”

(i)                 Who is the speaker and to whom are these words spoken?                                     1

(ii)               Why did the speaker say so?                                                                                    1

(iii)             What step did the speaker take for the other person? What punishment did the speaker receive for his act?                                                                                        4





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