1.     How does the poet feel close to the donkey?

Ans: The poem "Nicholas Nye" by Walter de la Mare explores the connection between the poet and a donkey named Nicholas Nye. Throughout the poem, the poet expresses a sense of affinity and understanding towards the donkey, highlighting the similarities between them.

The poet feels close to the donkey in terms of their shared experiences and the hardships they have both endured. The donkey is described as a weary and worn-out creature, much

like the poet himself. This common weariness creates a bond of empathy between them. Additionally, the poet perceives a certain wisdom in the donkey. Despite its tired appearance, Nicholas Nye is portrayed as having a knowing and reflective gaze. The poet recognizes this depth and suggests that there may be hidden depths of wisdom within the donkey's mind.

2.     How did the poet pass his day?

Ans: The poet would pass his day in the meadow filled with thistle and darnel. He used to sprawl on the orchard wall in the scorching heat of the day. The poet would not be fully asleep and would listen to the birds which went twittering by. He would occasionally glance at Nicholas Nye, the donkey, who was as lonely as the poet.

3.     How does the donkey pass his day?

Ans: The donkey, Nicholas Nye passes his day munching thistles, drowsing in the meadow, and lazily swinging his tail. Occasionally, he would look at the poet and give a smile as if he seemed to share his loneliness with the poet.

4.     What physical description does the poet give of the donkey?

Ans: The donkey, Nicholas Nye, is old, lean, grey and lame of a leg. His age was more than twenty years, implying old age.

5.     What characteristics does the poet see in the donkey? What phrases give us clues about his character?

Ans: The donkey is lazy because there isn't much to do, and his braying indicates that he is unhappy. The poet detects a calmness in his gaze and an inner courage and strength in his skin. He occasionally smiles, which is a sign of his kind disposition. These characteristics are brought out through phrases like 'wonderful gumption', 'clear calm light', '... would smile a smile', and ‘not much too hearty and hale’.

6.     How are the natural aspects of the field and its surroundings described by the poet?

Ans: The field is covered with purple and spiked thistles, darnels, docks and bushes in the hot month of May. There are birds twittering by. At dusk the apple boughs would be filled with darkness. The glow-worms would start shining and birds would crouch in their nests to take rest. At night the moonlight would fill the dark and dewy atmosphere.


1.     Half asleep….. twittering by.

a.     Who or what is half asleep?

Ans: The poet is half asleep.

b.     When and where is the subject half asleep?

Ans: The poet is half asleep in the blazing heat of the day.

c.      Is the subject alone?

Ans: No, the poet is not alone. There is Nicholas Nye to share his loneliness.

2.     But a wonderful…. Light in his eye?

a.     What does ‘gumption’ mean?

Ans: “Gumption” means courage or bravery.

b.     Why is it surprising that the subject has gumption? What is being said prior to this about the subject?

Ans: It is surprising that Nicholas Nye has gumption because he is described as lean, old, grey and lame of a leg. He is over twenty years of age now, implying old age. Despite his ill health and weakness, he has courage.

            Prior to this, it is said that he is not too hale and hearty, i.e., he lacks energy due to his old age and physical debility. He would lazily swing his tail and often stop and sigh at the break of the day.




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