Nilkanta, the central figure in Rabindranath Tagore's tale 'The Castaway,' emerged from a theatrical troupe. A tempestuous night led him to the riverside abode as a castaway, his boat lost to the river's fury. Judging his age proved challenging due to his innocent countenance and lack of facial hair. However, his speech and penchant for smoking hinted that he was older than seventeen.

Quickly endearing himself to Kiran, Nilkanta provided excellent company and regaled her with his theatrical prowess. His camaraderie with mischievous village boys and adoption of a mongrel as a pet led to a series of antics. This irked Sharat and his mother. Despite Sharat's reprimands, Nilkanta remained unperturbed, finding solace in ample food and the affection lavished upon him by Kiran.

When Satish, Kiran’s brother-in-law, arrived, Kiran's focus shifted from Nilkanta to Satish, triggering Nilkanta's ire. His behavior turned hostile toward his friends and even his pet. Seeking retribution, he planned to dispose of Satish's beloved inkstand by casting it into the river. However, when the inkstand went missing from his possessions and Kiran discovered it, Nilkanta found himself unable to prove his innocence, unable to face her.

Consequently, he departed without a trace, leaving behind a perplexed community. His whereabouts remained a mystery, eluding even the authorities.


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