MENACE OF PLASTIC (Article Writing)

Q. You are well aware of the negative impact of single-use plastic on the environment. Write an article on ‘Menace of Plastic’. (SSLC-2020)



By - [Your Name], Class-X

Plastic, once hailed as a revolutionary material, now looms as a global threat. Its omnipresence in daily life has led to an environmental crisis of colossal proportions. The menace of plastic lies in its non-biodegradable nature, suffocating landfills and polluting oceans. Microplastics infiltrate ecosystems, endangering marine life and entering the food chain, posing health risks to humans.

The rampant use of single-use plastics exacerbates the problem. It's a call for urgent action – a shift towards sustainable alternatives, recycling, and responsible disposal methods. Governments, industries, and individuals must collaborate to curb this peril. Awareness campaigns, innovation in biodegradable materials, and stringent policies can mitigate the plastic menace. It's not just an environmental concern; it's a collective responsibility for the well-being of our planet and future generations.


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