TO THE PUPILS OF HINDU COLLEGE (Important Questions & Answers)


1. How does Derozio describe the intellectual journey of his students?

Ans:- Derozio vividly depicts the intellectual development of his students using natural imagery to illustrate the unfolding of their intellectual abilities. He beautifully portrays their growth by likening it to the natural expansion of "petals of young flowers." This simile captures the idea that the students' minds are opening up to new ideas and fresh perspectives.

At the same time, the poet observes the "opening of [his students'] minds," indicating his ability to witness the blossoming of their intellects and the gradual process of learning. The poet suggests that the students' intellectual prowess will loosen the constraints of their intellectual confinement, symbolized as a belt. Critically, Derozio emphasizes that adherence to old social orders and conventions restricts the exploration of new ideas. He conveys a message that acquiring fresh knowledge will liberate his students' intellectual thinking.

Moreover, the practical application of their knowledge is metaphorically likened to "young birds" testing their wings and strength. The students must apply their knowledge to make a tangible impact on society and alleviate various hierarchical social issues. According to the poet, the journey of their intellectual growth will lead them to achieve "fame" in the future, providing assurance to Derozio that his influence on them has not been in vain.

2. What gives Derozio a special sense of achievement?

Ans:- Derozio takes pride in his ability to impart knowledge and guide his students to success, giving him a profound sense of accomplishment. In his poem, he envisions that his students will attain "fame" and prosperity in the yet-to-come future, which he refers to as the "mirror of futurity." This foresight stems from his firsthand observation of their current growth and development.

Additionally, Derozio is optimistic that his present teachings encompass diverse disciplines that will challenge traditional values in society. He anticipates a transformation leading to a new and improved social order. Witnessing the intellectual progress of his students brings him immense joy, as he sees them actively constructing their own dignity and honor for the future. This realization assures Derozio that his guidance is not in vain; he feels he has contributed to a meaningful achievement in their lives.

3. What are the three things that influence learning in HLV Derozio’s poem “To the Pupils of Hindu College”?

Ans:- In Henry Derozio's poem "To the Pupils of Hindu College", three key factors shape the learning experience: a pursuit of diverse knowledge, the practical application of knowledge, and a quest for truth from a divine entity. These elements play a significant role in guiding the students' educational journey, as expressed by the poet.

Firstly, exposing Indian students to a variety of knowledge is emphasized as crucial. Introducing them to numerous forms of information is seen as a means to foster learning and diminish the negative impact of social evils. The poet suggests that this diverse knowledge will enable students to overcome societal problems.

The second aspect involves the practical application of knowledge, depicted by the poet using the imagery of young birds testing their wings in soft summers. This imagery strongly implies that acquiring new knowledge should be practically tested, ensuring its resilience against established beliefs and societal vices. The poet encourages the application of fresh knowledge to challenge old ideas and societal ills.

The third aspect is the spiritual quest for truth from a higher being or God. Influenced by the Bengal Renaissance movement, Derozio rejects idol worship and advocates seeking truth directly from God. He indirectly criticizes the worship of carved statues, asserting that true knowledge cannot be found in such representations. The poet believes that acquiring truth from God will contribute to the students' intellectual and spiritual growth.


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