WHAT MEN LIVE BY (Important Answers)


Q. Why did Michael smile at Matrena?

Ans: Michael smiled three times for three distinct reasons. The first smile came when Matrena kindly offered him bread. His second smile occurred upon seeing the angel of death standing behind the wealthy man who demanded boots that could endure a year without wearing out. Lastly, Michael smiled again upon hearing the tale of the compassionate lady who rescued and adopted twin girls. These three moments provided Michael with the answers he sought, marking the end of his earthly punishment and prompting his three smiles.

Q. Who was Michael? Why had he come to earth?

Ans: Michael was an angel, a messenger from God. He was sent to earth as a punishment for disobeying God's commands. Michael explained that his disobedience led to this punishment. His task was to retrieve a certain woman's soul and bring it back to God. Upon arriving on earth, he encountered a sick woman who had just given birth to twin girls. The woman was too weak to care for her babies, as their father had died in an accident. Feeling compassion for the woman and her children, Michael decided to grant her request to stay alive for a while to care for them.

However, when Michael reported back to God, he was instructed to return to earth, retrieve the woman's soul, and learn three important truths before he could return to heaven. Michael obeyed and attempted to take the woman's soul, but he failed when her soul ascended to God unexpectedly, causing his wings to fall off, and he fell to earth near a shrine. To earn his place back in heaven, Michael needed to discover the answers to three questions: What dwells in man? What is not given to man? and what men live by?

 Q. Why was Matrena angry with her husband?

Ans: Matrena was angry when Simon returned with a stranger because she suspected they had been drinking and spent all the money that was meant to buy a winter coat. She refused to serve them dinner. Without letting her husband explain, she demanded the coat he was wearing. She had every right to be angry because she noticed he smelled like alcohol and wasn't carrying a sheepskin. He had even given his coat to the stranger. Her initial thought was that her husband had spent all the money on alcohol and brought home a useless person with him. Michael, who was wearing her husband's coat with no shirt underneath, standing still and avoiding eye contact, only fueled Matrena's suspicion.

Q. Describe the first meeting between Simon and Michael.

Ans: Simon was a poor shoemaker. With winter approaching, he needed to buy sheepskin to make a new coat because he and his wife only had one coat that was falling apart. Sadly, he couldn't buy the sheepskin because his customers hadn't paid him. Feeling disappointed and sad, he headed home.

As Simon walked near a shrine, he noticed something white behind it. It was getting dark, so he couldn't see clearly. He realized it wasn't there before and wondered if it was an ox, but it didn't look like one. It seemed to be a person, but very white. He went closer to examine it. To his surprise it really was a man, alive or dead, sitting naked, leaning motionless against the shrine He was scared at first, thinking someone had killed the person and left him naked there. He didn't want to get involved and hurried away, but his conscience told him he leave someone sitting in the cold without clothes or food. So, despite his fear, he went back to the shrine to help the person.

Q. Narrate the incident which made Michael smile for the third time.

Ans: Michael was an angel sent by God to Earth as a punishment for disobeying an order. He had been living with Simon's family for six years when one day, a lady arrived with two young girls, one of whom had a crippled leg. She asked for leather shoes for the girls. Michael stopped his work and stared at the girls, feeling a strange connection. When questioned by Simon and Matrena, the lady explained that she wasn't related to the girls but had adopted them after their mother's death. She had also lost her own son. The girls' mother had died shortly after giving birth to them, and their father had died earlier from a tree accident. The lady had nursed her own son and was asked to care for the twins until other arrangements could be made. However, after her son's death, she decided to raise the girls as her own.

As the lady shared this emotional story, Michael realized he had been sent to Earth to take the mother's soul but had been moved by her plea to care for her children. He returned to Heaven without taking her soul, but God was angry and sent him back to learn three truths about humanity. He learned that love resides within people when Matrena showed him kindness. He understood that people don't always know their own needs, as demonstrated when a customer came to order boots. Lastly, he realized that people live not just for themselves but through love, as seen in the lady's care for the girls.

Realizing these truths, Michael was forgiven by God and freed from his earthly punishment.


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