PRACTICE PAPER - Additional English For Class-X


CLASS- X                            MARKS: 100                       TIME: 3 HOURS

1.     Answer any two the following questions in about 100 words: 6×2=12

(a)   Why did the stranger come to the circus? What did he claim he could do? Why did he reject the offer? What did he do in the end to everyone’s surprise?          1+1+2+2=6

(b)   What is meant by “impartial and incorruptible chance? Why did the semi-barbaric king imprison the young courtier? What special preparations were made for his trial? How did the Princess obtain the secret of the doors?                                       1+1+2+2=6

(c)   Why did Rama Rao suddenly find himself in the streets one day? Why did he decide to end his life? How was he finally saved from his misery?            2+1+3=6

(d)   Why was the bulky woman in deep mourning? Describe her husband. Why does the red-faced man claim not to wear mourning even at the death of his son?   1+2+3=6

2.     Answer any five questions in about 30-40 words: 2 × 5 = 10

(a)   Describe the appearance of the strange man who came to the circus manager?

(b)   What preparations were made before the stranger’s deadly feat?

(c)   What role did Ratan play to help the postmaster recover from his illness?

(d)   What did one of the passengers say about “parental love”?

(e)   Why did the postmaster feel like a “fish out of water”?

(f)    What brought about the collapse of the Gramophone Company?

3.     State whether the following statements are True or False (any five):1 × 5 = 5

(a)   Parental love can be shared.

(b)   Rama Rao’s wife started looking for a job after the company collapsed.

(c)   The courtier bribed and knew the secret of the doors.

(d)   The postmaster decided to stay in the post-office because he felt pity for Ratan.

(e)   The Circus manager offered the man a special thirty pounds a week.

(f)    The Semi-barbaric king’s judicial system was very popular.

4.     Answer any two the following questions in about 80 words: 5 × 2 = 10

(a)   Which unusual way did the tennis player take to reach the bay? Write the swimmer’s encounter with the sea and the consequence thereafter? 2+3=5

(b)   Why does mother nature compare Lucy with lovely flower? How will nature bring up Lucy? How does nature think that her education will help Lucy? 1+2+2=5

(c)   Why does the man with the hoe lean and graze on the ground? What is the present condition and shape of the man with the hoe? What does the poet wish the rulers of the world to do for this man?

5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct options given in the brackets (Any Five):       1 × 5 = 5

(a)   If you can trust yourself when all men                   you. (doubt / suspect)

(b)   How soon my Lucy’s _________ was run? (time / race)

(c)   The                 of ages in his face. (blankness / emptiness)

(d)   He was there for a ________. (minute / day)

(e)   The river has enough water to be...................... (poetic / romantic)

(f)    I took the _________ shortcut to the bay. (leaping / jumping)

6.     Explain with reference to the context choosing any one from each group:    5 × 2 = 10


(a)   All night long, whether dreaming or awake, Ratan felt the postmaster’s laugh ringing in her ears.

(b)   Never before had such a case occurred; never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of a king.

(c)   Rama Rao sent out a dozen applications everyday, and wore his feet out looking for employment.



(a)   When this dumb terror shall rise to judge the world.

(b)   “Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it

And which is more you’ll be a man, my son!”

(c)   And then the rich, retarded blood came back singing a lovelier tune.

7.     Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words:  6

(a)   Describe the effect of the juice of ‘love-in-idleness’ on the characters of the play.

  (b)   What mistake does Puck make in applying the ‘love-juice’? What is the consequence of his mistake? How is the mistake rectified and by whom?

(c)   Why do the workmen decide to write a ‘prologue’ for the play?

8.     Answer any three of the following in 2-3 sentences: 2 × 3 = 6

(a)   What does Puck tell the audience at the end of the play?

(b)   How does Oberon take his revenge on Titania?

(c)   What did Theseus tell Hermia after she refused to marry Demetrius?

(d)   Who is the changeling boy? Why does Oberon ask Titania to give the boy to him?

(e)   What did Puck do with Bottom?

9.     Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the brackets (Any four):1 × 4 = 4

(a)   Duke Theseus of Athens is talking to Hippolyta, Queen of the (Fairies /


      (b)   Demetrius wanders around _________ with Hermia’s eyes. (attracted / infatuated)

(c)   Helena says that Hermia’s                  is responsible. (beauty / power)

(d)   “I wish that appearance and _________ were also contagious.” (attributes / expressions)

(e)   Flute has to play the part of                     , a woman. (Pyramus / Thisbe)

10.  State whether the following statements are True or False (any three):      1 × 3 =    3

     (a)   Lysander’s widow aunt lives in a village five leagues from Athens.

     (b)   Hippolyta is not happy with the law of Athens.

     (c)   Oberon sends the fairies to apply the love juice on Titania.

(    (d)   Flute has to play the part of Pyramus.

11.  Amplify any one of the following: 5

(a)   It is never too late to mend

(b)   An empty vessel sounds much

(c)   The pen is mightier than the sword

12.  Summarize the given passage: 5

Some plants and animals still manage to survive despite the dry conditions in the deserts. One of them is the specialist annual plants. Their short life cycles allow them to germinate, grow and produce seeds during short rainy seasons. These seeds are drought-resistant and are able to wait for the next rainy season before starting their life cycles again. The Cacti adapts to the dry weather by having swollen stems for water storage and pine-like leaves to minimize water loss through respiration. Skinks generate water from stored fats in their tails and antelopes which requires very little water, survives in deserts by extracting water from the food they eat. Finally, Sandgrouse with no adaptive features turns to waterholes constantly for help.


Write a diary entry on the following:                                                                             5

It is the last day of your school. Describe your emotions, feelings and experiences that you have had in your school.

13.  You want to sell your mobile phone. Draft an advertisement to be published in the local newspaper furnishing the necessary details:                                                                                     5

14.  Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with a single word. Make changes where necessary (Any six): 1 × 6 = 6

(a)   My friend has left his own country to settle elsewhere.

(b)   He is fit to be elected for the post of President.

(c)   The tiger is an animal that lives on flesh.

(d)   Most of the children can speak two languages.

(e)   Love is incapable of being divided.

(f)    He gave up his job by giving formal notice.

(g)   The Army Major’s mother received his bravery award after his death.

15.  Write an essay on any one of the following:                                                      8

      (a)   Evils of Dowry System in India

      (b)   Importance of Physical Exercise






  1. Sir pass mark milaga kya ya sab solve kar na sa

  2. Sir will you give sample paper for english before the exam?

  3. Sir can you provide the answers plz


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