1. What is Precis Writing?

Precis writing is a concise summary of a given passage or text. It involves condensing the main ideas, arguments, and key points of the original text into a shorter version while maintaining its essence. A precis is generally one-third of the length of the original passage.

2. Purpose of Precis Writing:

  • To convey the essential meaning and message of a longer text in a shorter format.
  • To improve comprehension and retention by focusing on the main points.
  • To practice and develop skills in summarizing, critical thinking, and effective communication.

3. Steps in Precis Writing:

a. Read Carefully: Understand the original text thoroughly by reading it multiple times.

b. Identify Main Points: Highlight or note down the main ideas, arguments, and supporting details.

c. Write an Initial Draft: Summarize the passage in your own words, focusing on capturing the main points and omitting unnecessary details.

d. Revise and Edit: Review your draft to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Remove any redundant or irrelevant information.

e. Check for Length: Ensure that the precis is significantly shorter than the original text while retaining its essential meaning.

f.  Title: Give a suitable title. Title should be short and appropriate with the passage.

4. Characteristics of a Good Precis:

  • Conciseness: It should be brief and to the point, avoiding repetition or unnecessary elaboration.
  • Clarity: The precis should be clear and easy to understand, maintaining the coherence of the original text.
  • Accuracy: It should accurately represent the main ideas and arguments of the original text without distortion.
  • Coherence: The precis should flow logically, presenting ideas in a structured and organized manner.

5. Tips for Writing an Effective Precis:

  • Focus on the main points and key ideas.
  • Use your own words to express the meaning of the original text.
  • Maintain the tone and style of the original text.
  • Omit examples, anecdotes, and detailed explanations unless they are essential to understanding the main ideas.
  • Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

6. Examples of Precis Writing:

  • Original Text: "Climate change is a pressing global issue with far-reaching consequences for the environment and human society. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are among the visible impacts of climate change."

    Precis: "Climate change poses significant challenges globally, impacting the environment and society through rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events."

7. Importance of Practicing Precis Writing:

  • Enhances reading comprehension skills.
  • Develops critical thinking and analytical abilities.
  • Improves writing skills by focusing on clarity, conciseness, and coherence.
  • Useful in academic and professional settings for summarizing complex information effectively.

In Summary:

Precis writing is the art of summarizing a text concisely while retaining its main ideas and arguments. It requires careful reading, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. By practicing precis writing, one can enhance their ability to understand, analyze, and communicate complex information more efficiently.




Nelson, in childhood, did not have a strong body. Yet he gave evidence of that stout heart and nobility which have so distinguished him throughout his illustrious career. One day he strayed from his grandmother’s house with a cow. Dinner time passed; He was missing and could not be found. The family’s apprehension became great, for they feared that he might be taken away by the gypsies. After much searching, he was found sitting huddled on the banks of a river which he could not cross. “I wonder, child,” said the old woman, seeing her, “that hunger and fear did not drive you home”, fear! Grandmother,” answered the future hero, “I was never afraid; What is it?”


Nelson's Fearless Adventure

Despite Nelson's frail body in childhood, he displayed the bravery and nobility that defined his illustrious career. When he wandered off with a cow and couldn't be found, his family feared he was taken by gypsies. Eventually found by a river, he calmly explained to his grandmother that hunger and fear never drove him home as he was never afraid.


Everybody knows what a “good” man means and how he should be. Our definition of a good man is the one who does not smoke, or drink or avoids the usage of bad language. A good man is ideally expected to converse in front of men as he would in front of women. He is also expected to attend the Church regularly and have correct opinions on all subjects. He has a wholesome horror of wrong-doing and realizes that it is our painful duty to reprimand sin. He is not anticipated to have wrong thinkings and has the authority to protect the young. His duties are not just restricted to the professional front but also needs to spend quality time doing good deeds. He must be patriotic and a keen believer of military training, he should promote industry, must be sober and have virtue among wage earners and their children. He must be a role model for all and it is expected that he leads a way which the younger generation would willingly follow. Above all, of course, his “morals” in the narrow sense must be admirable.


The Characteristics of a Good Man

A good man is expected to abstain from smoking, drinking, and using bad language. He should converse respectfully in front of both men and women, attend church regularly, and hold correct opinions on various subjects. He must have a strong aversion to wrongdoing, be morally upright, and protect the young. Additionally, he should engage in good deeds, promote patriotism and military training, and be a role model for others.


Plastic has long been with us. It became well-known in the 1930’s and particularly the 1940’s through a great deal of publicity, as a major substitute for other materials. Since then—with far less fanfare—it has steadily increased its influence over our lives. The basic raw materials for the manufacture of plastic are petroleum and natural gas, but plastic can also be made from coal or—if need be—even from wood. These hydrocarbon materials are processed into a waxy, mouldable (hence the word ‘plastic’) stuff called rexin. Environmentally, plastics have a good deal to recommend them. Plastic requires only one-tenth of the energy required to produce aluminium, and in spite of the enormous volume involved, plastic accounts for only five percent of US petroleum consumption. But, plastic also present some special problems. Although the basic resin-manufacturing process presents a much cleaner face than a steel mill (little soot and smoke), it is also true that many of the ingredients are dangerous. Benzene, for example, which goes into the manufacture of styrene, epoxy, polyester and nylon, is a member of the dangerous family of carcinogens. Common types of plastic produce toxic gases in fire, including hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen chloride. The plastic industry counter-argues that natural materials such as wood also produce toxic gases when burned, and that non-plastics may be more prone to catching fire or starting fires (as in the case of metal electrical housings).


 Challenges of Plastic Use

Plastic, introduced in the 1930s and 1940s as a versatile substitute for traditional materials, has quietly become ubiquitous in modern life. Derived from petroleum, natural gas, or even wood, its production requires less energy than alternatives like aluminium. However, plastics pose environmental and health concerns. Despite cleaner production processes, they release toxic gases when burned, and their manufacturing involves hazardous chemicals like benzene. The plastic industry defends its products, citing similar risks with natural materials and other alternatives. Thus, while convenient, plastic presents a complex set of challenges.


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