FIRE AND ICE (Questions & Answers)

1. There are many ideas about how the world will ‘end’. Do you think the world will end some day? Have you ever thought what would happen if the Sun gets so hot that it ‘bursts’ or grows colder and colder?

Ans:  There are various ideas about how the world might come to an end. I personally think that eventually, everything that starts will eventually finish. This applies to the world too. For instance, if the Sun became incredibly hot and exploded, the Earth would be destroyed instantly because it could not withstand such intense heat. Similarly, if the Sun gradually grew 'colder and colder', life would end because without sunlight life cannot sustain itself.

2. For Frost, what do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for? Here are some ideas.

Ans: The poet, Robert Frost has given a symbolic reference of 'Fire' and 'Ice'. 'Fire' stands for cruelty, greed, avarice, lust, conflict and fury.

'Ice' stands for intolerance, rigidity, insensitivity, coldness, indifference and hatred.

3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? How does it help in bringing out the contrasting ideas in the poem?

Ans: The rhyme scheme of the poem 'Fire and Ice' is abaabcbcb.

This rhyme scheme helps to highlight the contrasting ideas of 'fire' and 'ice' explored in the poem. The poet suggests that both fire and ice could potentially lead to the world's destruction. He explains that fire symbolizes desire and could therefore be the cause if earth's destruction. Additionally, Frost introduces the idea of ice to represent the coldness and indifference among people, suggesting that this too could bring about the end of the world. In the second stanza, he acknowledges the abundance of hatred in the world, indicating that even the destruction caused by ice would be enough to bring about the world's end.


1. What is the message of the poem 'Fire and Ice'?


How does Robert Frost caution the common man?

Ans: The poet's message is about the impermanence of everything in the world. Initially, the poet suggests that the world will end in fire, drawing from personal encounters with desire and passion, which are symbolized by fire.

However, the poet also acknowledges that ice or hatred can equally lead to the world's destruction. Therefore, it's crucial to remember this fundamental truth and keep ourselves beyond selfish desires.

2.  How will the earth be destroyed?

Ans: There are two different views about the end of the world. Some people are of the opinion that the world will end soon with fire. While some other people say that ice will be the cause for the world's destruction. However, the poet feels that both fire and ice could potentially lead to the world's destruction. He explains that fire symbolizes desire and could therefore be the cause if earth's destruction. Additionally, Frost introduces the idea of ice to represent the coldness and indifference among people, suggesting that this too could bring about the end of the world. In the second stanza, he acknowledges the abundance of hatred in the world, indicating that even the destruction caused by ice would be enough to bring about the world's end.


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