Q. You are Rachit / Rachna residing at 25-B, Gandhinagar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the importance of tree plantation and how it can save the environment.


25-B, Gandhinagar

New Delhi - 110011

Date: 14-06-2024


The Editor

The Times of India


Subject: Importance of tree plantation to save environment.


    Kindly allow me to draw your attention on the importance of tree plantation to save environment. I am writing to express my deep concern about the ongoing depletion of forests, primarily driven by the development strategies of our government. The relentless pursuit of infrastructure expansion and urbanization has led to significant deforestation, posing severe threats to our environment.


    Despite various afforestation programs initiated over the years, these efforts often fall short due to poor planning and execution. Many such programs are plagued by corruption, lack of accountability, and inadequate maintenance of the newly planted saplings. This highlights the need for a more robust and transparent approach to tree plantation initiatives.

    It is imperative that the government adopts a more proactive stance by involving academic institutions in plantation programs. Schools, colleges, and universities can play a pivotal role in fostering environmental awareness and responsibility among young citizens. Engaging students in tree planting activities not only helps in increasing green cover but also instills a sense of environmental stewardship from an early age.

    Moreover, it is the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to saving our environment. Planting trees in our neighborhoods, participating in community green initiatives, and advocating for greener policies are steps we can all take. Collective action is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

    Therefore, through your esteemed daily I would urge everyone to protect our environment by planting more trees. While development is essential, it must not come at the cost of our environment. Planting trees is a vital solution, but it requires coordinated efforts from the government, educational institutions, and citizens alike.


Yours Sincerely,



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