THE LADY OR THE TIGER (Important Answers)



1.     Describe the King in the story, ‘The Lady or The Tiger’.

Ans: In ancient times, there lived a semi-barbaric king. Although his ideas were somewhat refined by the influence of his advanced Latin neighbours, they were still bold, extravagant, and uninhibited, reflecting his wild side. He had a vivid imagination and held such strong authority that he could easily turn his ideas into reality. The king often spent time thinking deeply, and once he made up his mind, things happened the way he wanted. When everything in his kingdom ran smoothly, he was kind and pleasant. But if something went wrong, he became even kinder and more pleasant, as he loved nothing more than fixing problems and making things right.

2.     Describe the trial process.

Ans: When everyone had gathered in the galleries, and the king, surrounded by his court, sat high up on his royal throne on one side of the arena, he gave a signal. A door below him opened, and the accused person walked into the amphitheatre. Across from him, on the other side, were two identical doors, side by side. The person on trial had the duty and privilege to choose and open one of these doors. He could pick whichever door he wanted; there was no guidance or influence, only pure chance.

If he opened one door, a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel they could find, would jump out and tear him apart as punishment for his crime. As soon as this happened, sad iron bells would ring, hired mourners around the arena would wail, and the large audience, with bowed heads and heavy hearts, would slowly make their way home, deeply saddened that someone so young and fair, or so old and respected, had met such a terrible fate. But if the accused person opened the other door, a lady, chosen by the king as the most suitable match for him, would come out, and he would immediately marry her as a reward for his innocence.


3.     According to you, what came out of the door during the Courtier’s trial?


Which of the two alternatives, in your opinion, might have been chosen by the princess for the young man and why?

Ans: The princess is torn between sadness at the thought of her lover's death and jealousy at the idea of him marrying another woman. If she chose the right door for him, she knew who the lady behind it would be one of the fairest and loveliest damsels of the Court, selected as a reward for her lover. This made the princess hate the lady, and the thought of her lover marrying someone else filled her with bitterness. However, she also couldn't bear the idea of him being killed by the tiger. After many sleepless and conflicted nights, she made a decision: she would let her lover live, even if it meant losing him to another woman, showing selflessness despite her own pain.

4.     How could the young man be so sure that the princess must have procured secret of the doors?

Ans: The young man completely loves and trusts the princess, and he believes that she loves him too. When their eyes met, he knew instantly because that's how it is with lovers whose souls are connected—that she knew which door held which fate. He understands the power, influence, and strong will of the princess and feels deep down that she would guide him to the right door rather than let him be eaten by a tiger. Trusting her fully, he walks toward the door she had secretly indicated. However, neither he nor the readers know what the princess truly desires for him whether she would rather see him dead or married to another woman.

5.     How did the princess pass on the information to her lover?

Ans: When the princess saw that her lover had looked to her for a hint about which door to open, she quickly raised her hand and made a small, fast motion towards the right, signalling him to choose the door on the right side.

6.     How did the princess obtain the secret of the doors?

Ans: The princess used her power, influence, and determination to find out which door in the public arena held which fate. Because of her high status, she was able to bribe one of the men to reveal the secrets of the two doors. She also had a strong and commanding spirit, just like her father, which made it easy for her to get what she wanted with just a word.

7.     Describe the Princess in your own words.

Ans: The princess is depicted as strong-willed and intense, much like her semi-barbaric father. She is a passionate woman who is respected by her father and carries herself with pride and authority. She deeply loves the handsome courtier and even goes to the lengths of paying to find out which door hides the lady and which hides the tiger. The author shows her jealous and hateful side by describing how envious she feels when she sees the beautiful lady interacting with her lover. The princess despises the lady behind the door and resents that her lover even acknowledges her.

The princess is also described as hot-blooded, with savage blood running through her veins. The author highlights the difficult decision she faces, which has caused her many sleepless nights filled with anguish. She is portrayed as a passionate woman who is both wild and civilized, leaving readers to decide for themselves whether she allows her lover to die or marry the beautiful woman.



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